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Harley Medical Services Ltd - Complaint Policy (PATIENT)




Harley Medical encourages patient and family feedback about their experiences while at the Hospital. By obtaining feedback from patients and families, the Hospital can identify opportunities to improve its processes, thereby enhancing patient and family satisfaction.




To provide patients and their families with a mechanism for communicating a concern or complaint and to ensure that appropriate action is taken in regard to this information.




A patient or family member may express a concern or complaint regarding any aspect of care or treatment to any member of the Hospital’s staff. This may be communicated verbally or in writing.


Verbal complaints: If the complaint is made verbally, the person to who the complaint is made will record detailed information, including, without limitation:


Patient name

Complainant name

Date of complaint

Description of the concern/issue

Date of the concern/issue

Requested action

Telephone number and/or address, depending on preferred method of response.


Written complaints will serve as the primary documentation. If additional information is needed, the person primarily responsible for answering the complaint will contact the complainant to obtain the additional information.


Medical Staff Complaints: If the complaint is in regard to a member of staff, the complaint documentation will be forwarded to the management for processing in accordance with the Complaints Regarding Medical Staff Policy.


If the person to whom the complaint is made (verbally) or received (in writing) is unable to personally address the concern expressed by the complainant, s/he will forward the complaint documentation to the leader of the area primarily addressed in the complaint. For example, a patient complaint regarding poor care will be forwarded to the clinical manager.


Complaints are to be addressed in a timely manner. If the issue/concern cannot be immediately addressed, the complainant is to be contacted, via telephone or by letter, acknowledging the receipt of the complaint, and letting them know what additional steps are needed to resolve the matter.


Review of the issue/concern in the complaint will be conducted by the leader of the department most primarily addressed in the complaint, and will be documented. If additional help is needed, the leader will contact his/her supervisor to assist in the review, appropriate action to be taken, or the response.


Documentation of the complaint, the review and the response is to be sent to the Risk Manager for entry into the patient complaint database.


Complaints that involve the threat of legal action are to be immediately brought to the attention of management.


A quarterly report on patient complaints is run from the database to address completion of the complaint process, and to identify any trends. This information will be reviewed by management and will be forwarded to the service line leaders as appropriate. This report is distributed to the Board of Trustees on a quarterly basis.


If the complainant is not satisfied with the response s/he has received from the service line leader, s/he may pursue the grievance through contacting the Chief Executive Officer. The CEO will designate a grievance review team, including representation of the Board of Trustees, to address the grievance. The determination of this team will be considered a final resolution of the grievance.


Terms and conditions V2.2. Last updated 20/10/2020



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